Git cheat sheet

Nice history log in console ---------------------------------------- .. code-block:: git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph How to remember: "A Dog" = git log --**all** --**decorate** --**oneline** --**graph** Sample result: .. code-block:: $ git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph * e4689e3 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) tree iteration * 4c3385d using stoi * 0588a47 gitignore for cpp * 8f3f0e6 removed boost, add readme * f225b06 simple expression interpreter * 1ccdda1 chain of responsibility * f37eb7a restructure of the old code, removed large db file | * 3bfdf78 (tag: 0....

April 7, 2020 · SergeM

SSH cheat sheet

Create more secure ssh keys Create a key using elliptic curve cryptography (more secure): ssh-keygen -a 100 -t ed25519 generate RSA key of length 4096 to file my_key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -f my_key Generate md5 fingerprint of the key (works in newer ubuntu, 16): ssh-keygen -lf ./my_key -E md5 see also: Upgrade Your SSH Key to Ed25519 How to prevent SSH from scanning all the keys in ....

April 12, 2017 · SergeM

Raspberry Pi Links

I2C interface Description of I2C interface Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial Continuous deployment (Russian) Непрерывная кросс компиляция на Raspberry PI Controlling motors Brushless motor Control brushless motor with ESC. Without additional controllers With PCA9685 PWM Board (stackexchange thread) One more thread Controlling multiple servos To control multiple servos you can use PCA9685 controller. Connection is shown below. It’s better to connect VCC of the controller (red wire) to +5V or raspberry or to external power supply....

December 31, 2016 · SergeM