Point cloud processing

ROS nodes Point Cloud IO https://github.com/ANYbotics/point_cloud_io two nodes for reading and writing PointCloud2 from/to ply, pcd formats point_cloud_assembler from laser_assembler http://wiki.ros.org/laser_assembler This node assembles a stream of sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages into larger point clouds. The aggregated point cloud can be accessed via a call to assemble_scans service. https://github.com/ros-perception/laser_assembler Tutorial Octomap http://octomap.github.io/ Seems like a standard solution to convert point clouds to a map in several formats pointcloud_to_laserscan http://wiki.ros.org/pointcloud_to_laserscan pcl_ros http://wiki.ros.org/pcl_ros This package provides interfaces and tools for bridging a running ROS system to the Point Cloud Library....

November 10, 2020 · SergeM