Raspberry Pi Links

I2C interface Description of I2C interface Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial Continuous deployment (Russian) Непрерывная кросс компиляция на Raspberry PI Controlling motors Brushless motor Control brushless motor with ESC. Without additional controllers With PCA9685 PWM Board (stackexchange thread) One more thread Controlling multiple servos To control multiple servos you can use PCA9685 controller. Connection is shown below. It’s better to connect VCC of the controller (red wire) to +5V or raspberry or to external power supply....

December 31, 2016 · SergeM

Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685

Arduino (ATMega328p) boards can be used to control multiple LEDs. To simplify the management of the pulse width modulation and use only a couple of arduino's pins for many LEDs I used PCA9685 controller. PCA9685 is connected to Arduino using I2C interface that requires only two data pins. .. image:: /media/2019-12-blinking-multiple-leds-with-arduino-atmega328p-and-pca9685/sketch_bb.png :width: 600px :alt: breadboard Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685 .. image:: /media/2019-12-blinking-multiple-leds-with-arduino-atmega328p-and-pca9685/sketch_schem.png :width: 600px :alt: schema Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685 ....
