Convert ovpn config file to .ca, .crt, .key

How you can take an OpenVPN .ovpn config file and extract the certificates/keys Copy from between <ca> tags into ca.crt, remove <ca> tags from original file. Copy from between <cert> tags into client.crt, remove <cert> tags. Copy from between <key> tags into client.key, remove <key> tags. Copy from between <tls-auth> tags into ta.key, remove <tls-auth> tags. Remove the line “key-direction 1” Above "# -----BEGIN RSA SIGNATURE-----" insert the following lines. ca ca....

April 2, 2017 · SergeM

OpenVPN server in cloud using docker

links: How To Run OpenVPN in a Docker Container on Ubuntu 14.04 OpenVPN for Docker Connection via OPenVPN is slow for https Try the following advice The udp connection is perfect with these parameters (in client config): mssfix 1200 tun-mtu 1200 DNS doesn’t work through VPN Symptoms: Openvpn connects, you can ping web sites by IP address, but you cannot ping them by name (like ping Solution: This is a bug that’s fixed in upstream NetworkManager....

January 7, 2017 · SergeM