Jobs 2015

201503 Google ?? Strange guys from France. 201504 Definiens AG. Tools for medical research and analysis of tissue. Frontend? I wanted machine learning. Munich 201505 EyeEm. Computer Vision Engineer. Computer vision. Nice office. Shaji. Berlin 201505 Stylight. Munich. ML? ?? 201506 Software Diagnostics. Potsdam. Interesting project about evaluation of code quality in big projects. Python. Bonnet. *** 201509 Octonus. ML+CV. Moscow *** ?? Yandex ? *** ?? Zalando? ***

September 6, 2015 · SergeM

Programming interviews resources

screencasts with solutions of typical interview tasks Gayle Laakmann McDowell. Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions 140 Google Interview Questions

February 17, 2014 · SergeM