I host my notes on github pages and I use Pelican for building html content from Markdown format. Tracis CI can be used to automate building and publishing changes.

Registration on https://travis-ci.org/ is straightforward.

I have only public free accounts on github. Thus I need two repositories: one containing sources and another containing html. The latter is rendered automatically via Github Pages. If I would have paid hithib account I could have only one repo with two branches: master for sources and gh-pages for html.

Pushes to sources repository has to trigger builds on TravisCI. That is made in the settings of Travis. In https://travis-ci.org/profile/ you need to enable corresponding repository.

Configuration of travis

You need to create .travis.yml file in the root of your sources repository. Lets start with the following contents:

language: python
  - "3.5"
  - master
- pip install pelican markdown
- make github

Here we ask Travis to use python 3, build only master, install pelican and markdown and run make github command in the end.

Installing markdown is important here. Without it you can end up with failures. Pelican will say:

WARNING: No valid files found in content.
WARNING: sitemap plugin: SITEMAP['format'] must be `txt' or `xml'
WARNING: sitemap plugin: Setting SITEMAP['format'] on `xml'

That means Pelican doesn’t know about markdown format.

Now you need to configure Makefile and github target. I modified default Pelicans github target as follows. Remove lines startign from “#” - they are just comments.

    # Loading commit message from source repository to SITE_COMMIT_MESSAGE variable
	SITE_COMMIT_MESSAGE=`git log -1 --format=%B` && \ 
	$$(rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR) || true) && \ 
	# remove output directory
	git clone git@github.com:<your github user>/<your html repository>.git $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ 
	# fresh clone of your html repo to output directory
	$$(ls -d $(OUTPUTDIR)/* | xargs rm -r) && \ 
	# deleting everything (except hidden files, like .git)
	# running pelican
	cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ 
	# go to output directory
	git add -v --all . && \ 
	# configure user/email of git commit, commit, push
	git config user.email "<your mail>" && \
	git config user.name "<your name>" && \
	git commit -v -m "$$SITE_COMMIT_MESSAGE" && \
	git push && \
    echo "done"

At this point you will likely get access errors during the build on travis. The cause is that git on travis doesn’t have access to modifying your html repository.

I followed the guide from here sections 1 – 2.5. Instead of section 2.6:

  1. I put my encoded private key blog_deploy_key.enc to .travis/blog_deploy_key.enc
  2. I modified my section script of .travis.yaml as folows:
- |
  declare -r SSH_FILE="$(mktemp -u $HOME/.ssh/blog_deploy_key_decrypted_XXXXXX)"
  openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_<VALUE_FROM_TRAVIS>_key -iv $encrypted_<VALUE_FROM_TRAVIS>_iv -in ".travis/blog_deploy_key.enc" -out "$SSH_FILE" -d
  chmod 600 "$SSH_FILE" && printf "%s\n" \
              "Host github.com" \
              "  IdentityFile $SSH_FILE" \
              "  LogLevel ERROR" >> ~/.ssh/config
- make github

Keys VALUE_FROM_TRAVIS you get while making steps 1 - 2.5 from the guide.