Another place with boost binaries - Another place with boost binaries. It includes build for version 1.49 Before I new only

May 12, 2013 · SergeM

Error spawning cmd.exe

I got error message Error spawning cmd.exeduring compiling of Blender sources. The cause was in system PATH environment variable. Some buggy software I had installed and uninstalled before erased all contents of PATH. So I found out that Visual Studio 2008 has missing paths to %SystemRoot%\system32; %SystemRoot%; %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;A added it and the problem gone. 

May 12, 2013 · SergeM

Blogs about blender one of blender’s developers ukrainian blog, video tutorials in russian

May 12, 2013 · SergeM

Overview of open-source node-based video editors (composers)

Synapse Compositor Seems unsupported for a long time Very raw Blender Good stuff, but it is designed originally for 3D modeling. Video editing is performed in composing mode. Rendering is veeery sloooowww. Open source. Available for linux and windows. Source code

May 12, 2013 · SergeM

Image resize in Nuke

So here we have two filters: Crop Reformat To cut a part from an image we use Crop. It also has option “reformat”. Reformat cuts also borders behind area. If “Reformat” is disabled, black borders remain after crop.

May 7, 2013 · SergeM

Torch-Lightning library (draft)

How to visualize gradients with torch-lightning and tensorboard in your model class define a optimizer_step. class Model(pl.LightningModule): # ... def optimizer_step( self, epoch: int, batch_idx: int, optimizer, optimizer_idx: int, second_order_closure = None, ) -> None: if self.trainer.use_tpu and XLA_AVAILABLE: xm.optimizer_step(optimizer) elif isinstance(optimizer, torch.optim.LBFGS): optimizer.step(second_order_closure) else: optimizer.step() #### Gradient reporting start ### if batch_idx % 500 == 0: for tag, param in self.model.named_parameters(): self.logger.experiment.add_histogram('{}_grad'.format(tag), param.grad.cpu().detach()) #### Gradient reporting end ### # clear gradients optimizer....

April 29, 2000 · SergeM

Camera model and projective geometry

About camera models OpenCV camera model and calibration Difference between pinhole camera model and thin lens model. One more note, One more article Pinhole camera model

December 8, 1020 · SergeM

Conda cheat sheet

I usually prefer to keep (ana)conda deactivate in my system by default. One can chose such and option during conda installation. In order to activate base conda environment I run: source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ or source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/

December 7, 1020 · SergeM

Deep learning in computer vision (draft)

Draft An Overview of ResNet and its Variants, 2017

May 2, 1000 · SergeM

Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685

Arduino (ATMega328p) boards can be used to control multiple LEDs. To simplify the management of the pulse width modulation and use only a couple of arduino's pins for many LEDs I used PCA9685 controller. PCA9685 is connected to Arduino using I2C interface that requires only two data pins. .. image:: /media/2019-12-blinking-multiple-leds-with-arduino-atmega328p-and-pca9685/sketch_bb.png :width: 600px :alt: breadboard Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685 .. image:: /media/2019-12-blinking-multiple-leds-with-arduino-atmega328p-and-pca9685/sketch_schem.png :width: 600px :alt: schema Blinking multiple LEDs with Arduino (ATMega328p) and PCA9685 ....
