Private inheritance

Example from Meyers “Effective C++” class Timer { public: explicit Timer(int tickFrequency); virtual void onTick() const; // Called automatically for each tic, // onTick() must be redefined to do things ... }; class Widget: private Timer { // private inheritance private: virtual void onTick() const; // redefined to make job done ... }; Now clients of Widget get interface untouched and required job is done Example of protecting method from redefinition in derived classes:...

January 6, 2014 · SergeM


How to write c++ programm for android (in Russian) How to make a movement To translate: Source: 2. Базар идейВ какой-то момент в нашей организации вошла в моду фраза «продать идею». Особенно активно я начал натыкаться на эти торги идеями с поднятием по карьерной лестнице, и имея частые совещания с теми, с которыми нас не связывали отношения подчинения. Фраза «продать идею» базируется на маркетинговом термине «sell idea», только понимание оного в проекции на организационную структуру было извращено....

December 15, 2013 · SergeM

Dear programmers, developers, architects and others!

In a new year please continue writting bad programs, make bugs, create bad architecture and so on! All this destroying activity provide infinite flow of well-paid job! Thanks to those people! Let’s kludge together! [image source](" rel=“nofollow” target="_blank)

December 13, 2013 · SergeM

16 bit color formats In adobe after effects: :::: #define PF_MAX_CHAN8 255 #define PF_HALF_CHAN8 128 #define PF_MAX_CHAN16 32768 #define PF_HALF_CHAN16 16384 #define CONVERT8TO16(A) ( (((long)(A) * PF_MAX_CHAN16) + PF_HALF_CHAN8) / PF_MAX_CHAN8 )

December 11, 2013 · SergeM

Import Sihlouette roto masks into several Nuke shapes

Today kids, I tell you how to split imported Sihlouette shapes into Nuke RotoPaint nodes. In SihlouetteFX select several nodes. Go File->Export->nuke 6.2+ Shapes and save Nuke project I tried to use also File->Export->Nuke Shapes but in Nuke 7.0 it wasn’t opened properly Open saved project in Nuke. There is a single RotoPaint node. It contains several layers with several shapes in each. I need separate layers into many nodes to use them separately....

December 10, 2013 · SergeM

Binarization in Adobe After Effects

I need to make binary image from grayscale one. I know I can use Levels filter for that with such settings: I think that everything that is less or equal to 128 is transformet to 0 and the rest is transformet to 255. BUT. On the result i have such a places with outlier value: WTF? What is the logic of AAE developers? So the solution is using real numbers for input black and white: Results are sharp: !...

November 29, 2013 · SergeM

Free open-source alternative to Total Commander

It seems I almost found alternative for [TotalCommander](" target="_blank). Let me present [DoubleCommander](" target="_blank). It is free, open-source, extendible by Total’s plugins. That’s awesome. I also found out that viewer plugin SGView for TotalCommander can be completely replaced by ImaginePlugin. Imagine has x64 version. The issue was to assign hotkeys like in SGView.

November 29, 2013 · SergeM


There must be some kind of rating here. Maybe later… Done The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson. Download at amazon. Read 2022. It seems to me this is a shorter, a bit more rude version of “Seven habits” for millennials. I like the book. I guess it is even too short for me to unpack some of the ideas while I was listening to the audio version....

November 29, 2013 · SergeM

По простому о matting laplacian

В математике у нас есть уравнение Лапласа \delta u = 0 Перепишем: Вспомним, как можно расписывать вторую производную: Для изображения равенство нулю оператора лапласа означает, что в каждая точка должна быть равна среднему из своих соседей. Уравнение маттинг лапласиана - это то же самое, но только делается не обычное усреднение, а усреднение с весами. Веса зависят от похожести пикселей.

November 18, 2013 · SergeM


fmincor( ponter to target function, initial point, list of constrains) - some improved gradient decent. Step is adaptive. useParallel - automatic parallel

November 18, 2013 · SergeM