remote desktop screen resolution

Today I finally found out that screen resolution for remote session in Windows can be changed in settings menu before connection. Little discoveries happen every day… Damn….

February 5, 2014 · SergeM

Multithreading links

Руководство по отладке многопоточных приложений в Visual Studio 2010. video, examples Считаем Пи параллельно. Часть 1. pthread, openmp, c++11 in comments Потоки, блокировки и условные переменные в C++11 [Часть 1], exceptions, examples Потоки, блокировки и условные переменные в C++11 [Часть 2][](

February 3, 2014 · SergeM

VapourSynth: pythonic alternative to avisynth

What do I know about VapourSynth - website How to save data from VapourSynthYou need to use vspipe.exe from Vapour distributiveIt seems it returns raw data to stdout Render using ffmpegDon't know how jet Render using ImageMagick/convertDon't know how jet Image ReadingImage reading causes crash of AvsPmod, in which I using Vapoursynth[]( [](" target="_blank) Other AvsPmod - new version of AvsP. AvsP is a tabbed avs editor with convenient results preview....

January 25, 2014 · SergeM

Tables in Latex. Multiline, right alignment

I used _tabularx _package. Additional definitions: \usepackage{array} \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X} % left multiline alignment \newcolumntype{R}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % right multiline alignment Table: \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}p{0.8\linewidth} R} Text, aligned to the left, without margin \newline Tex in the same cell on the next line & % next column delimiter Text aligned to the right \newline second line \end{tabularx} Here we have one columt with 80% width and one column with right alignment @{} is required to suppress left margin in the first column....

January 23, 2014 · SergeM


How does start menu in Win7 select the most useless new application i’ve installed?

January 17, 2014 · SergeM

Building ConEmu

Problems with ConEmu building from v14.01.06in Visual Studio 2010ConEmuCunresolved external symbol `__imp__`wsprintfA - add additional dependency **User32.lib** **ConEmuCD**Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`CharUpperBuffW@8 Error 4 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`MapVirtualKeyW@8 Error 5 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`VkKeyScanW@4 Error 6 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`GetSystemMetrics@4 Error 7 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`IsRectEmpty@4 Error 8 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`MonitorFromRect@8 Error 9 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`GetMonitorInfoW@8 Error 10 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`MonitorFromWindow@8 Error 11 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol `__imp__`SystemParametersInfoW@16 etc....

January 16, 2014 · SergeM

Free software for screen video capture

CamStudio 2.7 works fine Rylstim-Screen-Recorder There were some troubles while recording ConEmu software Portable version is available HyperCam 2 Works well

January 15, 2014 · SergeM

Temporary files format that can be deleted from project of Visual Studio 2010

Add to .gitignore: *.ipch Debug Release *.sdf - The SDF file is your code browsing database which uses SQL Sever Compact Edition. You don’t need to copy this SDF file while you move your project, and it will be automatically populated in the new location once you open your project. [[1](" target="_blank)] [[2](" target="_blank)]

January 14, 2014 · SergeM

Migrating from SVN to Git and Mercurial

There is a lot of answers here: I found rather useful [this one](" target="_blank). A guy made a script according to proposed instructions: This script will convert projects stored in SVN with the following format: /trunk /Project1 /Project2 /branches /Project1 /Project2 /tags /Project1 /Project2 This scheme is also popular and supported as well: /Project1 /trunk /branches /tags /Project2 /trunk /branches /tags Each project will get synchronized over by project name:...

January 8, 2014 · SergeM

Things about C++

rules for resolving calls to overloaded functions: - identify the function that's the best match for the call (name, parameters etc)checks accessibility for the best-match function. Resolving function overloads (my) ![]( Resolving function overloadssrc:[](" target="_blank) The compiler works through the following checklist and if it still can't reach a decision, it issues an error:Gather all the functions in the current scope that have the same name as the function called.Exclude those that don't have the right number of parameters to match the arguments in the call....

January 6, 2014 · SergeM