Пусть человечество лучше погибнет в результате восстания машин, чем в глобальной войне. Тогда мы умрём дураками, но хотя бы людьми.
Пусть человечество лучше погибнет в результате восстания машин, чем в глобальной войне. Тогда мы умрём дураками, но хотя бы людьми.
Initializa list: 1 List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Bob", "John", "Alice");
Looks good for linux mint/ Ubuntu https://code-industry.net/free-pdf-editor/
Let’s say you have 3 languages on your linux machine: English, Russian and Belarusian. You frequently switch between EN and RU. Sometimes you write something in EN and BY. So you don’t want to press Alt+Shift three times constantly, only when writting something in Belarusian. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 #!/bin/bash current=`setxkbmap -query | grep layout|cut -d ',' -f 2` echo $current if [ "$current" == "by" ] then notify-send -t 500 -i keyboard "Keyboard layouts: US/RU" setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -variant altgr-intl, -option grp:alt_shift_toggle else notify-send -t 500 -i keyboard "Keyboard layouts: US/BY" setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,by -variant altgr-intl, -option grp:alt_shift_toggle fi Here I assume that Alt+Shift switches languages inside a group....
Official web-site: http://goldendict.org/ Newer version for Windows: https://github.com/goldendict/goldendict/wiki/Early-Access-Builds-for-Windows Conversion (decompression) Lingvo *.lds to *.dsl format: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lingvoreader it’s a python module. Install via pip install lingvoreader https://github.com/goldendict/goldendict/wiki/Early-Access-Builds-for-Windows
Implemented using python https://github.com/serge-m/object_detection_ir_video
conversion with good jpeg quality: 1 avconv -i ./input.avi -q:v 1 output_frame_%05d.jpg
base64 source_file > destination.ascii base64 --decode destination.ascii > decoded_file
201503 Google ?? Strange guys from France. 201504 Definiens AG. Tools for medical research and analysis of tissue. Frontend? I wanted machine learning. Munich 201505 EyeEm. Computer Vision Engineer. Computer vision. Nice office. Shaji. Berlin 201505 Stylight. Munich. ML? ?? 201506 Software Diagnostics. Potsdam. Interesting project about evaluation of code quality in big projects. Python. Bonnet. *** 201509 Octonus. ML+CV. Moscow *** ?? Yandex ? *** ?? Zalando? ***
There are at least two libraries for ipython able to plot graphs interactively and inline. mpld3 bokeh I have tested only mpld3. It looks awesome. It implements exactly the thing I missed without matlab. Inside the notebook I now have a possibility to zoom and move plots. Of course, I could do it using qt mode, but it not so nice and convenient. Demo of mpld3: http://mpld3.github.io/_downloads/mpld3_demo.html How I use it:...